What Are Blob Mirrors, And Why Are They The Hottest New Design Trend? Plus 7 Tips For Incorporating One At Home (2024)

In the vast stream of full-length and vanity mirrors, blob mirrors have entered the chat.

Also known as irregular or organic mirrors, blob mirrors are the newest interior design trend. These mirrors are a part of a larger movement towards organic interior design, which emphasizes natural and unique shapes. This design aesthetic is a reaction to the past several years of straight lines in ultra-modern and minimalistic design.


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How to Use Blob Mirrors in Your Home

According to interior design expert Kathy Kuo, “just as the parameters of a blob mirror are fluid, so are the so-called ‘rules’ for incorporating one into your home.” She further elaborates that there aren’t any rules for styling this mirror, however; we have some tips to help inspire your creativity.

1. Consider the Scale of Your Wall

“Make sure the size of your blob mirror complements the size of your space,” the owner of Quality Interior Design – Fresno, Annaliese Kehoe, told Forbes Home. “A too-small mirror might get lost on a large wall, while a too-large mirror might overpower a small room.”

While this doesn’t necessarily mean you need to go around measuring your walls, it is important to keep in mind the general height and width of your chosen wall in order to maximalize the visual impact of the mirror. Some design websites even have an augmented reality feature that allows you to see what a piece of furniture will look like in your space. The small scale of a powder room, the end of a hallway or above a small table are easy places to start hanging these mirrors.


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2. Embrace Contrast

What Are Blob Mirrors, And Why Are They The Hottest New Design Trend? Plus 7 Tips For Incorporating One At Home (2)

Photo by Alan Barry / ML Interiors

If your home consists of many clean straight lines and traditional rectangular furniture, the addition of a blob mirror creates a compelling focal point. “They can be visually striking modern additions to minimalist spaces,” design strategist, Lindsay Tan, said. “Their organic form contrasts and complements the clean lines and simple forms.”

While contrasting based on the shape of your furniture is a great start, you can add even more depth by contrasting with materials. These mirrors are typically sleek and glossy, so consider putting them in an area with a lot of textures and materials such as rough wood or rugged fabrics.

3. Blend It in with Natural Elements

What Are Blob Mirrors, And Why Are They The Hottest New Design Trend? Plus 7 Tips For Incorporating One At Home (3)

Stefan Bucur / rhythmofthehome.com

Another strategy is blending the mirror in with other natural and organic elements. Because organic design typically pulls from nature, decorate the area around your mirror with natural elements like wooden furniture and house plants. A blob mirror also works well around other rounded pieces of furniture.

For an easy look, interior designer Molly McGinness recommends putting the mirror in an entryway above a console and placing a vase of flowers in front of the mirror for that natural element. She also recommends avoiding symmetry when styling organically in order to “create a blanace of the object sizes and shapes. “With an organic shape, I wouldn’t force the formality of centering it between two sconces or trying to have any sort of symmetry,” McGinness said.


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4. Experiment With Different Shapes, Colors and Frames

What Are Blob Mirrors, And Why Are They The Hottest New Design Trend? Plus 7 Tips For Incorporating One At Home (4)

Read Mckendree / Central Park Duplex

The look of a blob mirror isn’t limited to the sleek and frameless version that we see most often. Blob mirrors come in many different styles and can either blend into the existing decor or add an additional texture to the room. For instance, add a gold or copper frame to an elongated mirror for a more opulent look but choose a shorter curvier mirror for an extra playful look.

If your aesthetic is more rustic, or farmhouse-style, Ben Gold, the founder of Recommended Home Buyers, suggests you opt for a mirror with a distressed frame or reclaimed wood accents. “This blend of organic design and rustic elements creates a charming, cozy ambiance that fits seamlessly into country-inspired decor,” Gold told Forbes Home.

5. Play With Reflections

What Are Blob Mirrors, And Why Are They The Hottest New Design Trend? Plus 7 Tips For Incorporating One At Home (5)

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It might seem obvious but it’s easy to forget that the main feature of a blob mirror isn’t its shape or frame but its reflective surface. Placing a blob mirror in front of a window or light can make the room seem bigger and cause the light to bounce around.

Also, consider the other decorative elements in your home. “A blob mirror can create an unexpected and distorted view of a beautiful chandelier, a piece of art or an outdoor view, making that reflection a part of the decor,” said Kehoe.

6. Create a Gallery Wall

What Are Blob Mirrors, And Why Are They The Hottest New Design Trend? Plus 7 Tips For Incorporating One At Home (6)

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Making a gallery wall by combining three or more blob mirrors into a cluster can offer a chic spin on a long-beloved design style.

If you want to exude a more relaxed aesthetic, you can add some eclectic wall decor to the mix like macrame wall hangings, rich textiles and other pieces made from natural materials such as wood and stone. The combination of mirrors and wall art will add warmth and creativity to the room.


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What Are Blob Mirrors, And Why Are They The Hottest New Design Trend? Plus 7 Tips For Incorporating One At Home (7)

Photo by Tim Hill / Adri + Dahlman Interiors

Take extra care to make sure the mirror is secured to the wall by using the proper fixtures and fastenings. Blob mirrors, with their unique shape, have different balance points from traditional rectangular or circular mirrors, so they require extra attention. The last thing you’d want is for your beautiful new mirror to fall on an admiring guest.

What Are Blob Mirrors, And Why Are They The Hottest New Design Trend? Plus 7 Tips For Incorporating One At Home (2024)
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