Assassin's Creed 2: Memory Sequences Ranked (2024)


  • Ezio's transformation from a carefree young man to a trained Assassin fueled by vengeance drives the dramatic story line.
  • Engaging gameplay moments, like epic chases and fighting major plot battles in Forli, enhance the overall Assassin's Creed 2 experience.
  • Sequences like purging the Templars and facing the final showdown with Rodrigo Borgia showcase Ezio's growth and determination.

Assassin's Creed 2 marks the moment that made the entire franchise iconic and ensured its long life in the future. This happened because the game improved every single aspect of the first game, making the gameplay more engaging. However, one of the main aspects of the game was its dramatic story.



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It follows the life of a young man named Ezio Auditore. Unlike Altair from the first game, Ezio is not an Assassin at the beginning of the game and only becomes a part of the order down the line as tragedy overtakes his family and he is forced to witness the deaths of his father and brothers, leading to an incredible transformation.

14 Sequence 6

A Long Journey

Assassin's Creed 2: Memory Sequences Ranked (2)

An interlude sequence between Ezio's missions in Florence and Venice portrays a journey between cities that he undertakes along with his friend, Leonardo. By that point, Ezio has become a trained Assassin and seeks to track down the man responsible for his family's deaths.

This journey takes him on an epic chase through the city of Forli, where he meets a woman named Caterina Sforza. He rescues her during their first meeting but goes on to become a loyal ally to the Assassins. The sequence has engaging gameplay moments but is overall short.

13 Sequence 12

The Battle Of Forli

Assassin's Creed 2: Memory Sequences Ranked (3)

Another sequence takes place in Forli towards the end of the game, and this time, it is under dire circ*mstances. Caterina is under assault from the army of the Orsi brothers, who want to claim the apple of Eden for the Templars. This results in Ezio fighting for the city and against both brothers.

The sequence utilizes Forli for a major plot that wasn't done in previous sequences, granting it extra uniqueness and flavor. It also develops the character of Katerina and ends with a shocking twist: the apple of Eden is claimed by a man outside of the Assassin and Templar conflict.

12 Sequence 5

Purging The Templars

Assassin's Creed 2: Memory Sequences Ranked (4)

The fifth sequence of the game is all about the ongoing hunt. After Francesco Pazzi's death, his co-conspirators escape to Tuscany, and it is on Ezio to eliminate them all. The sequence is unique in that almost every memory includes a target the player has to eliminate.

This leads to some notoriously engaging sequences, like climbing one of the tallest towers in the town to kill a Templar preacher or stalking the enemy in the crowd. The story culminates with Ezio meeting Rodrigo Borgia, the man responsible for his family's demise again.

11 Sequence 10

Loose Ends

This sequence focuses on Ezio dealing with Silvio, the last major member of the Barbarigo family that still serves the Templars and Dante Moro's bodyguard. It has multiple fight sequences and a fast-paced chase at the end, where Ezio has to eliminate their targets before they leave Venice.


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The story highlight of the sequence is the introduction of Bartolomeo d'alviano, a fierce and fearless fighter who becomes Ezio's ally and gets more of a spotlight in Brotherhood. Together, the two of them track Silvio and free Venice from the Templar influence.

10 Sequence 7

The Thieves of Venice

Assassin's Creed 2: Memory Sequences Ranked (7)

This is the first sequence Ezio spends in Venice, one of the most beautiful locations in the game. A city by the sea that stands on the water is full of rowers and their gondolas, and unlike Florence, this is an unfamiliar place for Ezio, as this is his first visit.

He is introduced to the Barbarigo family, the Templar representatives in Venice, and Ezio's new targets. Emilio Barbarigo, a wealthy merchant, becomes the target of the sequence, with Ezio teaming up with notorious Venice thieves who turn out to be Assassins in disguise.

9 Sequence 1

The Golden Days

Assassin's Creed 2: Memory Sequences Ranked (8)

The first sequence of the game portrays everything Ezio's life was like before learning about Assassins: parties, street fights, romantic nights with his crush—an idyllic life for a young man in the Renaissance. The memories reflect Ezio's careless life as he travels around Florence, helps his family out, and doesn't care about the future.

The atmosphere of the sequence changes drastically towards the end(symbolized by the guards appearing around the city) as Ezio's father and brother get imprisoned. He desperately tries to save them and almost gets his wish, only to be betrayed by a family friend at the last moment. This traumatizes Ezio and sets him on the path of vengeance.

8 Sequence 4

Return To Florence

Assassin's Creed 2: Memory Sequences Ranked (9)

After his family's demise, Ezio stays away from Florence, but in sequence four, he returns to the city. The Pazzi family, being intertwined with the Templars, becomes Ezio's main target, especially their patriarch, Francesco. He eventually gets killed as the Assassins reclaim Florence.

The sequence offers an introduction to the Assassin tombs as Ezio raids one of them during the story. He also learns the names and faces of many other Templar conspirators, all of which become Ezio's main targets in the following sequences.

7 Sequence 3

A Family Reunion

Assassin's Creed 2: Memory Sequences Ranked (10)

Sequence three is a breather after the dramatic tension of the second one. Ezio arrives at his uncle's villa and reunites with Mario Auditore. His uncle tells him more about Assassins and their struggle against Templars, something Ezio doesn't immediately accept.


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The sequence culminates in an Assassin operation in Tuscany with Vieri Pazzi as the target. Ezio kills him and gets consumed by his rage and desire for vengeance, which leads to Mario teaching him an important lesson about not wallowing in his rage and hatred.

6 Sequence 8

Saving The Doge

Assassin's Creed 2: Memory Sequences Ranked (12)

Sequence 8 is a controversial one, but it is undeniably unique from a gameplay standpoint. When Ezio is tasked with preventing the Doge's assassination by Templars, he asks Leonardo da Vinci for help. Leonardo has been a good friend to Ezio across the game, and this sequence provides a culmination to his effort.

After a few memories focused on stealth and following, the game's final mission sees Ezio use Leonardo's apparatus to fly straight to the Doge's palace, using the pyres set up around the city. Unfortunately, he's unable to stop the assassination, which allows a Templar to become Doge.

5 Sequence 11

Face To Face

Assassin's Creed 2: Memory Sequences Ranked (13)

A fairly short sequence concludes the Venice story part. After dealing with Barbarigos, Ezio hunts for the Spaniard himself. Eventually, he discovers Rodrigo Borgia and can converse with him, but it quickly devolves into a ruthless battle.

Ezio is saved by countless allies he makes over the course of the game, all of whom are revealed to be Assassins who were guiding and watching him on his path. While they cannot end Rodrigo, they strengthen their bond with Ezio and lay the groundwork for their future missions.

4 Sequence 13

The Raging Pyres

Assassin's Creed 2: Memory Sequences Ranked (14)

This sequence takes Ezio back to Florence for a change of pace. He fights an enemy who has no connection to the Templars. Instead, it's a fanatic named Savonarola who used the Apple of Eden to subjugate the people of Florence. The sequence has Ezio eliminate one follower after another.

This leads to multiple memories in which Ezio has to take different approaches to eliminating each of Savonarola's followers, providing a unique gameplay experience. The sequence's culmination is Ezio's mercy killing Savonarola on the same plaza where his family was once hanged.

3 Sequence 2


Assassin's Creed 2: Memory Sequences Ranked (15)

A sequence that follows directly after Ezio witnesses the death of his father and brothers. He begins as a rogue who is wanted in the city and has nowhere to go. However, he finds unexpected allies who help him survive and teach the player some core mechanics of the game, mostly those related to stealth.

Eventually, Ezio can claim his revenge and kill the man who betrayed his family. This results in a rageful announcement about his survival on Ezio's part as he brutally slaughters the betrayer. The final missions of the sequence include Ezio lowering his notoriety and escaping with his mother and sister.

2 Sequence 14

The Final Showdown

Assassin's Creed 2: Memory Sequences Ranked (16)

The final sequence of the game takes place in a unique instanced location of the Vatican. Together with all of his Assassin allies, Ezio prepares a plan to discover the secrets lying underneath the Vatican and finally eliminate Rodrigo Borgia. This leads to a unique infiltration sequence on the walls of the Vatican into the chapel's depths.


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Eventually, Ezio battles Rodrigo, who becomes the Pope of Rome. At first, Ezio tries to kill Rodrigo as an Assassin, but the power of the staff and its illusions protect the pope, leading to an open confrontation between Rodrigo and Ezio. Eventually, however, Rodrigo is defeated, and the secrets of the Vatican are unveiled.

1 Sequence 9

The Carnival

Assassin's Creed 2: Memory Sequences Ranked (18)

After Doge's death, Marco Barbarigo, a Templar, takes his place, thus becoming the primary target for Ezio. However, assassinating the Doge is very difficult because he stays in his palace. To get an opportunity to attack, Ezio has to partake in the carnival, where the winner will be allowed to visit the celebration with Doge present.

The sequence sees the player partake in multiple competitions to win the golden mask, which is a change of pace compared to most other Assassination plans of the game. Eventually, Ezio kills Marco and frees Venice from Barbarigo's rule.

Assassin's Creed 2: Memory Sequences Ranked (19)
Assassin's Creed 2




Assassin's Creed
macOS , Nintendo Switch , PC , PlayStation 3 , PlayStation 4 , Xbox 360 , Xbox One

November 7, 2009

M for Mature: Blood, Intense Violence, Sexual Content, Strong Language

How Long To Beat
19 Hours
Assassin's Creed 2: Memory Sequences Ranked (2024)
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